Bethany Solis Executive Director of Permian Basin IDEA schools

IDEA fueled by donations

A group of Permian Basin companies, foundations and individuals from Ector and Midland counties have contributed nearly $55 million in start-up funds for IDEA Public Schools to establish a presence in the region.

ECISD looking at more student growth, overcrowded campuses

An infusion of growth, particularly at the middle and high school levels, is coming over the next 10 years for Ector County Independent School District, a recent demographic study by Davis Demographics shows.

Opinion: There is power in partnership

The Permian is blessed with courageous, inventive people and natural resources beyond our wildest imagination. It is one of the reasons wildcatters had the audacity to believe they could create an oasis in the middle of the desert so many lifetimes ago.

Pioneer remains upbeat about Permian Basin operations

Pioneer Natural Resources and other shale producers are having their high-flying wings clipped by investors concerned that the producers were spending far more than they were earning.

Nonprofit oil alliance spends on grant writer for New Mexico

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) – A nonprofit alliance of energy companies has spent $80,000 on a grant writer to help New Mexico’s Transportation Department pursue federal grants. The state’s Legislative Finance Committee announced in a newsletter Tuesday the support from the Permian Strategic Partnership.

Tracee Bentley

Meet the Speakers – EnergyPlex Conference

Tracee Bentley is the CEO of Permian Strategic Partnership, a collaboration between local communities and oil and gas companies operating in the Permian Basin.

Third annual EnergyPlex conference set for June 25

The third annual New Mexico Energy-Plex Conference will be held June 25 at the Lea County Event Center. Hosted by the Economic Development Corporation of Lea County (EDCLC), the one-day conference includes talks and panel discussions involving executives from the various forms of energy found in the county.

ExxonMobil to invest $55B in Lea, Eddy

IRVING, Texas — ExxonMobil officials said that a new study commissioned by the multinational oil and gas corporation estimates its development of Permian Basin resources in New Mexico will generate $64 billion in net economic benefits for the state and local communities over the next 40 years, creating thousands of new jobs and providing increased […]

City approves infrastructure grants

The Odessa City Council approved a number of infrastructure grants and a facade grant during their Tuesday night meeting as part of a program aimed at helping businesses downtown.

Commentary: Craddick comes through for a region that increasingly matters

The Permian Basin matters. This past week, representatives in the House offered their support for American’s most significant oil patch, overwhelmingly passing House Joint Resolution 82, which sets aside money for initiatives in areas significantly impacted by oil and gas production.