Investment of $300,000 in training and facility upgrades aims to strengthen community safety
The Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP) revealed today its commitment to enhancing fire training in the region by investing $300,000 for advanced training courses and facility upgrades in partnership with The Seminole Volunteer Fire Department and The Andrews Volunteer Fire Department. $200,000 is allocated for courses offered by Texas A&M Engineering Extension Services (TEEX) and other accredited organizations. A portion of these funds will be dedicated to a hybrid fire academy with a flexible schedule that allows volunteers to become certified firefighters in just 6 months. Additionally, $100,000 will be invested to enhance existing fire and industrial training facilities in Andrews.
These no-cost courses aim to strengthen collaboration among departments and first responders, fostering regional collaboration. Permian area first responders typically have to travel long distances to receive quality training, taking them away from their families and jobs and putting a financial burden on departments. This initiative will make training opportunities more accessible and affordable for first responders in Southeast New Mexico and West Texas.
“Through this initiative, we’re making high-quality training more accessible and affordable to our first responders,” said Tracee Bentley, President and CEO of the PSP. “We’re proud to support our local fire departments, strengthening their capacity to respond to emergencies. By equipping firefighters and emergency responders with enhanced skills and training, we are enhancing the region’s overall resilience and capacity to respond swiftly and effectively in times of crisis.”
“As partners in safety, the PSP and the Seminole Fire Department are working hand in hand to bolster our community’s resilience and security. With the PSP’s support, we’re prepared to face any challenge that comes our way,” said Chief D.A. Dagley, Fire Chief Seminole.
“Thanks to the PSP’s generous support, the Andrews Volunteer Fire Department is better equipped than ever to serve our community. This significant investment in our training underscores their unwavering dedication to our community safety and well-being,” said Buddy Hobbs, Fire Chief Andrews.
“The TEEX Extension Fire Program goal is to provide exceptional, standard-based training to State of Texas fire and emergency service personnel to protect life and property. With this regional approach we can assist the Permian Basin area with high quality training.” said Tony Lenard, Regional Manager, TEEX.